SSL and LetsEncrypt

  • 7 December 2020
  • 0 replies

  • Community Enthusiast
  • 4 replies
Anyone successfully using LetsEncrypt to secure their SysAid instance with SSL? I believe I'm about 85% from getting this working. I've followed these instructions, but I have to actually get the certificate first. To process the CSR, LE requires to verify domain ownership. One method of doing that is to put some files into the root of the web server so the LE service can read them.

I'm using Windows Server 2012R2 to run SysAid v20.2.14 b4 Edu Pro with Apache/Tomcat 9.0.35. Where exactly would the root of the Web server be in this case? IIS, ...\SysAidServer\tomcat, ...\SysAidServer\ROOT?


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