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Two years ago, Microsoft announced that it will no longer support basic authentication protocols (SMTP, IMAP, POP). The time has come when you need to move to a more secure and updated protocol - OAuth 2.0. Setup of the new email integration is simple: In SysAid, go to: Settings > Integration > Email. Click the Create New button, and follow the instructions in this Microsoft 365 Email Integration with OAuth 2.0 Guide. The permissions required on MS side: Permissions required on Microsoft Test and verify the new integration: Send manual email, reply from tickets and take actions that trigger automatic notification. To disable the SMTP integration [see screenshot below]: In SysAid, go to: Settings > Integration [1] > Email [2]. Choose the SMTP integration list item and uncheck: Select the Outgoing Email tab [3] Uncheck Enable outgoing email Click Apply [5]. Select the Incoming Email tab [4] Uncheck Enable incoming email Click Apply [
Want to become an early adopter of SysAid? Get your hands on new developments first ? Give feedback and make the final tweeks on the coming SysAid product releases? Now is your chance to get in. ABots, our new automation bots are planned to be released very soon. ABots are simple plug-n-play bots that automate the most common manual and repetitive IT tasks. The first release of ABots will provide User Management capabilities within: Microsoft Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft Exchange. We are looking for some test drivers (preferably from Cloud but On-Prem is also possible) to help put the finishing touches before it's released to everybody else and get it free for 6 months :)
HiI’m trying to filter some emails sent to an administrator((Description Like onboarding And (Title Like Hire Or Title Like Rehire)) Or (Description Like leaving And (Title Like Termination Or Title Like Termination)))But the filter is not working.I’m still receiving emails out of this filter.Can you please let me know what can I be doing wrong?I had some words in Description, for example, but I deleted all and left only one.But keeps not working the filter.BEst regards,Rui Novais
Hi I wanted to know whether we can have an integration of Lansweeper within SysAid ?
I have error with agent on linux for new asset:ERROR [pbanka] [SysAid Server] com.ilient - Error in SAXParserjava.lang.NullPointerException at com.ilient.agentApi.b.startElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source) at com.ilient.agentApi.b.a(Unknown Source) at com.ilient.agentApi.LshwAgent.doPost(Unknown Source)
Hola a todosEstoy luchando para agregar un archivo adjunto desde la api, comparto caprura.
Hello Everybody, I’m struggling to add a attachement (xlsx file) to an existing SR. Here is my code :Function Add-SysAidRequestAttachment { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$BaseURL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$SessionToken, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$RequestID, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$FilePath ) Begin { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' } Process { Write-Host "Entering Add-SysAidRequestAttachment" # Préparer l'URL pour l'upload du fichier [System.Uri]$Uri = "$BaseURL/api/v1/sr/$RequestID/attachment" # Lire le fichier à envoyer Try { $fileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($FilePath) $fileSize = $fileStream.Length Write-Host "Fichier chargé : $FilePath, Taille : $fileSize bytes" } Catch { Write-Host "Erreur lors de la
Hi everyone,I’m working on it in a Power Shell script to change or update labels into the assets. Is there any API Endpoint to do this job.For exemple: I have the asset with asset ID=123123 and I need to update de lable “Status of asset From = In use to BrokeHow can i do that using API?
Hi thereI have an on-prem SysAid instalation.And I need to automate some task, by Microsoft Power Automate.One of them is, make http request on Power Automate, to SysAid to check new sr.I already created a specific user for that op and given administrator permissions.I’m trying to make a post test login, with Avanced Rest Client (with access to SysAid) and the error I get is{ "status": 401, "message": "Incorrect login information. Letters must be typed in the correct case. Please make sure the Caps Lock key is disabled."}Can you please tell me what could be the problem?Thanks.
I need to create a list of SR for a Process manager with the total activity time spent on each record for that manager.I would also be able to filter on the amount of time spent on that record (ie: at least 1 hour).I tried to create a custom report but I’ve not been able to achieve this.Thank you
I’m able to use the login endpoint to retrieve a cookie, and then use that cookie string to request other GET endpoints to return information on users or service request templates…But when I go to create a new service request, I get a very unhelpful Error 500 no matter what I try.I’m currently trying to POST against: /api/v1/sr?view=mobile&type=incident&template=29I’m using ‘mobile’ as the view because it’s the only string I can get to return anything. As far as I can tell, we only have a ‘DEFAULT’ view setup in Sysaid, but providing ‘default’ as the view URL parameter or not specifying the view URL parameter always returns the Error 500 message, while providing ‘mobile’ as the view URL at least returns "The following mandatory fields are missing: [problem_type, title, status, urgency, impact, priority, request_user, description]" if they are not provided.So, with a header containing my cookie and Content-Type: application/json, and my request body:{ "info": [ {"key"
Hi I can’t find in the documentation a list of the different available statutes and their appropriate code.I need it in order to update a Service Request’s status using the API.Is there such a list?
Hi Guys,I’m facing here the issue about how to the “Enable” automatically the label “Pacth Management” Anyone has this solution? For Exemple: The new assets join the Sysaid plataform and automatically the pacth management is enableAnother issue that I have is that I have a lot of asset into the plataform with patch management disable. How could I set to enable in massive way?
Solved. Please delete.
Is it possible to use the registry keys to generate a report for assets that have a value of 1 vs 0. We are trying to find out if PCs are set to auto login or not. We have the values in our assets from: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon. We do not want to have to verify all 2000 assets individually.
My team has been adding documentation to the knowledge base (FAQ) for our end users. A problem that I have noticed is that I cannot copy the link to specific pages in the FAQ, the link always defaults to the same page. Is there a way to get a link directly to the KB article?I cannot copy/paste the URL to a knowledgebase article to send a user directly to the document.This is particularly a problem with announcements of new features and supporting documentation that is sent via other platforms (email). I cannot include a link for users to click to quickly access the documentation. Is this functionality missing or am I missing something?Thank you!
We have a number of scheduled reports created by a user who will be leaving the organization soon. These reports are emailed to multiple users. When the SysAid account for the author of those reports is disabled, will the scheduled reports they created continue to be sent? If not, what course of action is recommended?
Has anyone setup a good form/workflow for user requests using the requests? ie. new user, termed user, modification, etc? Any help would be appreciated!
Can someone let me know how we can set a different default font and size when sending a message?
Is it possible to edit the default basic/advanced request templates to remove the statement "If relevant, add this Request details to the Knowledge base. Close the Request." out of the notes of those templates?
hi guyz can assist me having issue in space environment where by the category is not populating. any solutions?
Hiya,In Analytics > Dashboards, There is a ‘Group by’ option for ‘SR Custom List 1’. I want to create another option to group by. I can find the ‘SR Customer List 1’ in Customize > Lists,but after creating my custom list, I cannot see an option to add it to the group by selection?