Sysaid Python Client

  • 4 December 2023
  • 6 replies

Hello all, I needed to automate some things with python and the rest API. I put together a simple client - it’s very barebones right now but I’d like to encourage PR’s if you’d like to add features or functionality.

Once I get what I need implemented I’ll consider adding features that folks request. For now I have a few things I need to get in that are a priority for me.

Happy to take any input, but please keep in mind that this is extremely barebones right now and will likely be overhauled heavily as I add data structures, make the interfaces more pythonic, and add some handling for things I’ve encountered during my initial usage of the API. 



6 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hi Dave,

looking at the script it looks like you are targeting sysaid cloud

self.base_url = f"https://{environment_name}"


do you think it would translate to on-prem as well?




@jsidoti - Hey John, I think so - it would basically just be an initialization parameter where you can either provide the full domain url or just the environment name. Is there any other difference when querying an on-prem gateway?

Userlevel 4
Badge +4


I’m not sure.. but I think it should work

We’re going to be playing with it after the holidays

I’ll let you know





@jsidoti - Sounds good, I just pushed a commit that adds handling to accomplish what I think you need. Also laid out all of the endpoints that are documented… am hoping to also add support for some undocumented endpoints too :) I have an idea for how to implement an SR that also facilitates custom fields, but we’ll see.

Have a great holiday

Just pushed an update that attempts a first pass at all the SR related endpoints. Creating, deleting, updating, adding attachments, sending messages… Everything is there but currently untested.


You can also fetch the user list, which is helpful for certain actions.


If anyone is interested, am open to anyone testing, writing automated tests to create a ci pipeline, or any help implementing endpoints, implementing classes to represent common objects (SRs, assets, CI’s, users, etc).

Added a first pass at the SR object since I was getting frustrated with the SR response body. Overloads the __getattribute__ special method so that you can use arbitrary object access on the info data.


Currently, you can only read the SR data. I added `format` parameters in the sr fetching methods of the client and set it to `object` by default - set this to ‘dict’ if you want the original dictionary.


Will work on documentation eventually, once I implement field updating I need to focus on tests. This will probably be where I stop for a while since this is all I really needed for what I’m doing.
