How to change a Field name

  • 21 September 2021
  • 1 reply


I am brand new to Sysaid and need some help. Above entry fields in incident tickets there are labels like "Title", "Description", etc. See attached for an example.

I figured out editing the Translation file can change these labels, however it only changes the label for NEW tickets and does not replace the label on existing tickets.

Example: I change the "Title" label to "Problem Description". When I open new tickets they contain my changes. Exisiting tickets still contain "Title" as the field name.

How do I change "Title" to "Problem Description" so it reflects across all existing and future incident tickets?

1 reply

Userlevel 5

I am brand new to Sysaid and need some help. Above entry fields in incident tickets there are labels like "Title", "Description", etc. See attached for an example.

I figured out editing the Translation file can change these labels, however it only changes the label for NEW tickets and does not replace the label on existing tickets.

Example: I change the "Title" label to "Problem Description". When I open new tickets they contain my changes. Exisiting tickets still contain "Title" as the field name.

How do I change "Title" to "Problem Description" so it reflects across all existing and future incident tickets?

Hi abradford!
Welcome to SysAid, hope you figured it out by now but if not please note there are multiple similar fields in translation doc, make sure you updated the right one. When updated in the right place it will be in affect to all previous and future tickets with no exceptions

for example :
the filed for ticket "Description" is "sr.description=Description"

Let us know how it goes!
