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Has anyone been able to link an action item to a CI owner. My use case is we’d like to notify the CI owner of the ticket that affects their CI. For example Jane Doe has ownership of application Z, when users request access to application Z, IT facilitates that voting process via workflow, but then we need to trigger an email to the application owner(CI Owner) that they need to make the change on their side. I see that Main CI is an option in the ticket form as a system field, but not CI owner. We’ve got a matching list from our Subcategories in CI’s for each software product we have. 



Hi Matthew,

Currently, SysAid doesn't have a built-in direct method to automatically assign an action item to a CI owner through standard workflow functionality.
As an alternative solution, you can create a custom field of list type that contains all potential CI owners and add this field to your Action Item form. Within your workflow design, you can then establish a dependency relationship where once this custom owner field is populated with a specific person, it triggers the next action item in the workflow, which automatically sends an email notification to that selected individual.

In addition to this custom solution, we can also submit a Feature Enhancement Request on your behalf for SysAid to consider adding native CI owner integration with workflow notifications in a future product update. This would potentially provide a more streamlined approach once implemented.

Thank you!
