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Blank page in Incidents view

  • 20 October 2022
  • 4 replies



We have blank page in Incident view while Assets and other parts are working just fine. After several minutes, Incidents view is working again. This repeats several times a day every day.


Anyone ideas about what could be wrong? No CPU usage at any time (40-60%), disk/memory ok. Moved to another DataCenter (vmware) and still the same.

4 replies

Userlevel 5

Hi @nikolai.kleiman,

A few questions to help assess the issue: 

  1. What on-premise version are you on? what database are you using
  2. Please share a screenshot of when this happens with the F12 panel open 
  3. Does it happen to all admins or just to specific ones
  4. Can you share logs from system when this happens? 






Thanks for your reply. I have contacted SysAid support via chat and they recommended to increase Maximum Java Heap size and changing dbCPType  from TomcatCP in HikariCP.

I will check what can be seen on Developer tools panel when this issue happens again. This happens to all kind of users who use Incidents view (different roles, from admin to viewer).


     Nikolai Kleiman

Userlevel 5

Cool! keep us posted,




Justo to update you with the status. So far so good. Seems that changes we made have fixed the issue since nobody is reporting anything 😊

Thank you for your assistance, you can close this thread.

Here are the inctructions from SysAid:

  1. From ..\\SysAidServer\conf - wrapper.conf - modify Maximum Java Heap Size - from 768*currently to 2048 ( *please create a copy of the file and the save the changes.
  1. From ..\\SysAidServer\root\WEB-INF\conf - serverConf.xml modify <maxThreadsInPool> to 30 instead of 90. 
  1. From the same file *serverConf.xml - modify dbCPType  from TomcatCP in HikariCP                                                       
  2. From same folder, open HikariCP.proprietes and modify maximumPoolSize to 60. 
  1. After saving this changes, please restart the SysAid Server from Services.msc. 
