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I have a business need to include messages, activities and notes in email notifications generated by sysaid.  I’ve been looking at the notification template for “Email to end user regarding a service record” but would need to know the variable names used to access this data.  I’m certain there must be some variables available, this is pretty standard service desk behavior.  

Any help is greatly appreciated.  



Hello @bmelendy 

To customize notifications, please refer to the following documentation: This includes information on adding tags for notes and activities as well.

If you require further assistance, have any additional questions, or would like to discuss this topic further, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, for some reason I could not find this reference.  It is working using ${Notes}.  




I am having trouble with this, I have tried using ${Notes} but nothing is displayed.

I am using the Cloud edition. 

Is there anything else I need to check?




We are on premise (not cloud) so that could be the difference?  



Yep - it has changed to ExternalNotes now for cloud.
