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notifcation exception

  • 3 October 2023
  • 4 replies

Afternoon Folks,


I’m trying to set up a flow from Salesforce Cases to Sysaid.

When a Salesforce case is assigned to a specific group I have it set to send an email to that will come from


Is there a way to tell sysaid to not attempt to send notifications to on ticket creation/modification/closure?





If you are receiving an email notification every time when a new incident is assigned to a specific admin group you will need to uncheck the next options: 

 So, you will need to go to Settings- Service Desk- General- Assigned admin group click on + and uncheck all the options from the screenshot. 


Have a nice day!



you may have misunderstood what I am asking about.

in this case, there is a specific request user I do not want to send notifications to



Hi John, 


If you have a specific request user and you don`t want him to receive automatic email notifications, you can disable automatic notification at all from his account. In order to do this you need to go to Tools- End users- open his account and you should have the next option: 

If you don`t have this option you can add it using Design form option.


Note this option will disable all automatic notification, not only the assigned admin notification. 


Have a nice day!


thanks Ioana
