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Hi there!

My company was subscribed to SysAid a few years ago but unfortunately did not continue with the licensing due to some issues. Our IT personnel had performed an SQL dump on the SysAid server to create a backup and acquire the faq files, attachment files, etc.

The files are all .DAT file format, where opening them with Microsoft Word or Excel would not display them correctly (Encoding issue). I have tried setting them to all sorts of different encoding but to no avail. Please help me! 🙄


Well this seems to be an old question but for the sake of users who would be looking for answers about this, 

If you open one of the .dat files using notepad you will be able to see hints regarding the format that has been used for example png and pdf files actually has the words png or pdg at the top of the encoded file.

For word documents it’s a little bit different but the words “word/document” will be present.

Once you know the file type, you can change the file extension to the right one and it will allow you to open the original file.
