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What do your end user emails look like?

I’m really interested to see how people have customised their end user emails.

We’ve currently got an email that uses IF statements to determine if the ticket = new or closed, but I’d like to add statements to identify if a ticket is pending a response from a user, is awaiting vendor or has been reopened, and send text accordingly.


What types of emails do you send to your users, and what information do you include?

5 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hi Zoe

the only thing I added to mine was the solution

            #if(${isClosedSR}==true && ${Solution}&& ${Solution}!="" )
            Solution: ${Solution}


in your case I might add a note type field and call that field in the notification

here’s a good primer




hey @zoewalters

I’ll convert this question to conversation. I guess you don’t expect to get “the best answer” but to exchange experience (which is awesome!).

If you disagree, let me know (I can change it back).

Badge +1

hey @zoewalters

I’ll convert this question to conversation. I guess you don’t expect to get “the best answer” but to exchange experience (which is awesome!).

If you disagree, let me know (I can change it back).

Thanks! Does that move the question to a different forum? If so - where does it live now?

Thanks! Does that move the question to a different forum? If so - where does it live now?

No, it’s the same place but another format of the post.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1


I have something that might help some (you can find the code attached).


How to use it?

  1. Navigate to Settings → Customize → Notifications → Open the number 5 (end user notifications) / Open the number 2 (admin notification)
  2. Click on View → Source Code
  1. A new pop-up window will open. Select all the code (ctrl+a) and delete it. Do not close the window yet. From the file attached copy the code and copy it in the window then click save.
  1. Now you can preview the notification. 


Please note that this notification is hardcoded on some statuses so you need to change your wording according to what you have in the system.

  1. End user Notification
  1. Admin Notification

In the Source Code change the priorities according to your system priorities. In the example priorities are set-up like P1,P2, etc. If your priority is High, Medium, Low your code will look something like this.


 <span style="display: none"> #if( $Priority == "High") #set( $color = "red"
      ) #elseif( $Priority == "Medium") #set( $color =
      "orange" ) #elseif($Priority == "Low") #set( $color = "green" ) #else #set( $color = "gray" ) #end



What is different in these notifications? 

  • A more personal approach towards the end user
  • The notification displays properly in the middle of the email on both web and Outlook app (might not work with older versions of outlook)
  • The Admin Notification Changes the top color based on ticket priority.
