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Where is the Azure integration schedule configured?

  • 30 December 2022
  • 3 replies

Per the Azure integration description in the marketplace (, “The integration runs these data imports on a schedule that you define; saving time and preventing human error that could occur from manually copying the data.”  Where is the configuration for the schedule?  I am not seeing it in the interface nor documentation.

3 replies

Userlevel 5

Hi @Colin Bodkin and happy 2023!

We actually implemented an immediate sync with Azure directory in v22.2.50:


Any update or change you make in the Azure Active Directory are immediately and automatically synced with SysAid via Azure third-party integration.

Are you experiencing any issues? 


PS - Will get the info there updated on the marketplace!

Badge +3

Hi @Maayan Karstaedt and happy 2023 to you as well.  The Azure integration documentation located at states “The integration runs these data imports about every 24 hours; saving time and preventing human error that could occur from manually copying the data.”  The issue we are seeing is that if a user changes their Azure password and then tries to log in to SysAid via SSO, they will fail to login until the next sync with Azure occurs.  Because the automatic import is only every 24 hours and there is no schedule configuration, this creates a “gap” where the user who changed their Azure password cannot log in to SysAid via SSO.  This gap could be a few minutes to almost 24 hours depending on the timing.

Userlevel 5

@Colin Bodkin apologies, I checked with our product experts and the real-time update are for info populated in the defined fields and are not applicable to your scenario. Reach out to our Customer Care team via live chat or open a ticket on our Customer Portal to see if there is another solution for this. 

