Deploying agent to Linux

With version 8.5.05, I believe you can now deploy the new agent to linux servers.
I tried to do this, but it failed with the following

reason: "lshw not found"

Am I doing something wrong?

12 replies

You must change these two lines in the file.

In Centos/Fedora

lshwExistance=`/usr/sbin/lshw -version`
OUTPUTlshw=`/usr/sbin/lshw -xml`


lshwExistance=`/usr/bin/lshw -version`
OUTPUTlshw=`/usr/bin/lshw -xml`

Of course, lshw has to be installed (done by default in Ubuntu). However, I am unable to make it work
in Ubuntu 12.04.
Userlevel 2

In order to install our linux agent lshw should be installed on target asset.

Thanks Sarah. That got me further. But now, it just hangs on the install.

It gets to trying to Deploy on "x.x.x.x" and that's it. It doesn't go any further.

Are there other steps I can take to trouble shoot this?
Since I am not able to push out the new agent, are their directions on how to manually do this?
In order to manually install Agent on a linux, please follow these instructions:

1) Log into SysAid go to Preferences -> Downloads page, and click on the "Download SysAid Agent for Linux" link.
2) Run this command in terminal # tar -zxvf sysaid-linux.tar.gz
3) Go to sysaid-agent-linux folder, and then run the file called: (please run it as a root user, or with sudo command on ubuntu).
# ./ <URL> <Account ID> <Serial>
4) Please Make sure that lshw and wget package are installed first.

This information is also available on this link:

I have installed both Wget and lshw packeges on the target machine prior to deployment of agent through the network discovery service.

I am getting the error like below.

6/12/12 3:00 PM end Deploy
6/12/12 3:00 PM For troubleshooting this issue, Please find information in the following
6/12/12 3:00 PM reason: "May be problem with post inventory on SysAidServer"
6/12/12 3:00 PM failed
6/12/12 2:58 PM trying to Deploy on ""
6/12/12 2:58 PM - 1 -
6/12/12 2:58 PM Install non Windows Agents
6/12/12 2:57 PM --- count for deploy = 1 ---
6/12/12 2:57 PM Starting Deploy on IP From "" to "
6/12/12 2:57 PM Starting Deploy on


12/06/2012 15:10:25 UnixSame OS Login failed
12/06/2012 15:10:15 UnixSame OS Login failed

Shahar K.
In order to manually install Agent on a linux, please follow these instructions:

1) Log into SysAid go to Preferences -> Downloads page, and click on the "Download SysAid Agent for Linux" link.
2) Run this command in terminal # tar -zxvf sysaid-linux.tar.gz
3) Go to sysaid-agent-linux folder, and then run the file called: (please run it as a root user, or with sudo command on ubuntu).
# ./ <URL> <Account ID> <Serial>
4) Please Make sure that lshw and wget package are installed first.

This information is also available on this link:


I know this is old but I need some help on this area. I did follow steps by steps as you described, but I do not see my linux server showing up in Asset Management/Asset List or Asset Groups. Any ideas? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Ubuntu 14.04

cron explanation # m h dom mon dow user command

- WWW - if portable laptop or workstation - cron = every hour.

sudo mkdir /var/lib/sysaid/ ; sudo wget -v https://YOURSYSAIDSERVER:PORT/download/sysaid.tar.gz -O /tmp/sysaid.tar.gz --no-check-certificate && sudo tar -C /var/lib/sysaid/ -zxvf /tmp/sysaid.tar.gz ; sudo apt-get install wget lshw
sudo mkdir /var/lib/sysaid/ ; sudo rm /var/lib/sysaid/ ; echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nsh /var/lib/sysaid/ https://YOURSYSAIDSERVER:PORT ACCOUNTNAME SERIALKEY' | sudo tee /var/lib/sysaid/ ; sudo chmod +x /var/lib/sysaid/
sudo rm /etc/cron.d/sysaid ; echo -e "0 * * * * root /var/lib/sysaid/" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/sysaid

- LAN - if local always online server or workstation - cron = every 5th minute.

sudo apt-get install wget lshw
# Deploy the agent using SysAid integrated Deployment tool, schedule a weekly deployment.
sudo mkdir /var/lib/sysaid/ ; sudo rm /var/lib/sysaid/ ; echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nsh /var/lib/sysaid/ https://YOURSYSAIDSERVER:PORT ACCOUNTNAME SERIALKEY' | sudo tee /var/lib/sysaid/ ; sudo chmod +x /var/lib/sysaid/
sudo rm /etc/cron.d/sysaid ; echo -e "*/5 * * * * root /var/lib/sysaid/" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/sysaid
Hi, Team

i followed previous step to execute sysaid agent, and it was fine and can show up on sysaid asset management.

but when i use crontab job to run script, it didn't work at all

i defined every five minutes will report to sysaid asset management.

after crontab job, my sysaid asset management didn't get any update information.

the syslog shows as below

please help me to solve this problem!!
Hi, all

it turns out my asset licnese out of amount, so it won't be updated.

I am getting this error message during agent installation on Ubuntu Client.

root@NOD-updateserver:/var/lib/sysaid-agent-linux# sh sysaid102367 D480711B5DDE92D4
SysAid Agent for Linux version 20.1.70

Inventory information collecting completed. Sending the output to the server...
HTTP/1.1 200
strict-transport-security: max-age=0
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
cache-control: no-cache
last-modified: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:26:32 GMT
content-length: 3
date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:26:34 GMT


Anish Raut

Getting error during client installation.

root@NOD-updateserver:/var/lib/sysaid-agent-linux# sh sysaid102367 D480711B5DDE92D4
SysAid Agent for Linux version 20.1.70

Inventory information collecting completed. Sending the output to the server...
HTTP/1.1 200
strict-transport-security: max-age=0
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
cache-control: no-cache
last-modified: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:26:32 GMT
content-length: 3
date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:26:34 GMT

