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I wanted to know whether we can  have an integration of Lansweeper within SysAid ?

Hi @Joel_Jose ,

At the moment there is no support for Lansweeper in SysAid but we do have an FR (Feature Request) opened for the integration to be available FR #2208 - Integration with Lansweeper.

We will link a ticket with your request with the FR mentioned so you will be notified as soon as it will be implemented.

If you need more help, have further questions, or just want to chat about this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Hi Team, how far with the Lansweeper integration. Is it ready?

Hi ​@Pedero , thanks for your patience! Next week we will start our Lansweeper beta. Look out for a PM with details. Cheers.

We are now live with an integration with Lansweeper and we offer them as an advanced discovery solution
