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I’m starting to setup a global asset system, ( asset lists) ,

I wish to create first, sections for each site\region &groups , ( global zones)

for each region I will need to setup some rules; 

filters like -working days, working houres,  and create filtering by that.

than I will wish to create reporting for each zone, (for clients reports )


If you can please advise,


Hi @NFS,

According to what are you creating your lists? Can you please give us more information? 

Let’s say you want to create a list for asset lists that are in a specific location, for example, you can create a static filter according to the location. You can name a view and set for that view a static filter. The field you’ll be using is Location IDX and the number at the end will be the value key of that location. In order to know where the value key is, you can go to Settings> Customize Lists> Location> Name the key (for example: location_idx=2 represents in our example Sales). 



For the other items you mentioned please provide us with more information.

    Read more about Lists here»

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

