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I’m trying to filter some emails sent to an administrator
((Description Like onboarding And (Title Like Hire Or Title Like Rehire)) Or (Description Like leaving And (Title Like Termination Or Title Like Termination)))

But the filter is not working.
I’m still receiving emails out of this filter.

Can you please let me know what can I be doing wrong?

I had some words in Description, for example, but I deleted all and left only one.
But keeps not working the filter.

BEst regards,

Rui Novais

Hello Rui, thank you for letting us know. We are sorry you are experiencing technical difficulties. We have shared your question with our Customer Support team. 


A ticket has been raised for this request under the reference number 2540369. We are currently investigating the issue and will provide a response via email through the ticket.

Thank you for your attention.
