Tag in End User email that provides a link to their task

  • 18 September 2015
  • 8 replies

Is there any plans to provide this functionality?

Currently the only similar functionality, appears to only suitable for administrators.

${LinkToSR} Includes a direct link to the service record. For administrators only

8 replies

Hi Mark,

Please try this link+tag:

Let me know if it works.


I tried https://SERVER:PORT/EndUserSRView.jsp?id=${ID}&EndUserLink=YES in the "Email to end user regarding a Service Record" notification (replacing SERVER with the IP name of our server and PORT with 8443 but when clicking on the link, one sees a message 'Connecting' and then it times out. Eventually, the following is displayed:

This site can’t be reached

itmedic.schulich.yorku.ca took too long to respond.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics

Is there another solution that would allow an end user to click on a link in the notification email to them and go right to the ticket in question? It would be very handy to have.
Hi tonyd,

This sounds like a problem in the server URL itself. If the user can access SysAid normally in other cases, then simply use that URL and add "EndUserSRView.jsp?id=${ID}&EndUserLink=YES" to it.

Thanks Danny. Using regular http and removing the port made it work.
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Danny Tashiev
Hi Mark,

Please try this link+tag:

Let me know if it works.


Hi Danny, is there a similar link for the $Approve and $Deny tags for workflow notifications?
Hi samkat,

Can you please clarify your question? $Approve and $Deny tags should work for end-users as well.

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Hi Danny,

Sorry I should have been more specific. When I am making custom notifications for Workflow Action items I am inserting a link into an email body for the end user or administrator to click on to approve/deny the action item.

The $Approve and $Deny tags automatically insert <a href="http://.....> so it is generating the href automatically making it so I cannot do inline HTML/CSS customization to link. My thinking was that if there was a way to know the URL then we can insert that link, rather the the tag, and therefore be able to customize the link.

The end goal basically is a button for approve. We are almost there, but this would jsut be one small enhancement. Example of our buttons right now are attached. Let me know if I can clarify any further! Thanks for your time!
Hi samkat,

From my understanding, you can design the buttons and simply use the $Approve/$Deny tags in those, and they will be automatically converted into a functional link.

If you encounter issues with this, please contact our customer support team.

