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Hi there,


I’ve been tasked with setting up a template which requires approval by one of two approvers based on the value in a custom approver field (List of approvers).


My workflow at the moment looks like this, All in one column/tab: 


  1. Autocomplete step (Used for Data Population from the external custom approver field to the local custom approver field used in the workflow). 
  2. Approver 1 - Dependant on autocomplete step completion and requires custom approver list value that equals approver 1. 
  3. Approver 2 - Dependant on autocomplete step completion and requires custom approver list value that equals approver 2. 

So if approver 1 is chosen, the Approver 2 action item isn’t completed and vice versus which means the workflow tab isn’t completing - Does anyone have any tips/tricks on how I could perhaps autocomplete the non-selected approver’s action item? 

EG. IF approver = 1, Then autocomplete approver 2’s action item

      IF approver = 2, Then autocomplete approver 1’s action item? 

I hope this makes sense. :) 

Kind regards,



Hi JB,

From what I understand it sounds like you need to make the dependencies for your action items more specific. There should be no need to auto-complete the non-selected approver’s action item because that action item should never be activated in the first place.

To make the dependencies more specific so that action item for Approver 1 only activates if Autocomplete Action Item = Complete AND Approver = 1 (and vice versa), click on the action item in the workflow and then select Dependencies. Click on the “on complete” rule that activates the Approver 1 action item after the Autocomplete action item completes. Then click “ADD CONDITION” and set the additional rule that controls whether Approver 1 action item gets activated, which should look something like this: “Approver Is 1”. 

Then repeat for the Approver 2 action item. The end result will be that Approver 1 action item only gets activated if Autocomplete Step is Complete and Approver is 1, and Approver 2 action item only gets activated if Autocomplete Step is Complete and Approver is 2. This way you will not have to autocomplete the irrelevant action item, because it will never be activated in the first place.

Hope this helps!

Hi JB,

From what I understand it sounds like you need to make the dependencies for your action items more specific. There should be no need to auto-complete the non-selected approver’s action item because that action item should never be activated in the first place.

To make the dependencies more specific so that action item for Approver 1 only activates if Autocomplete Action Item = Complete AND Approver = 1 (and vice versa), click on the action item in the workflow and then select Dependencies. Click on the “on complete” rule that activates the Approver 1 action item after the Autocomplete action item completes. Then click “ADD CONDITION” and set the additional rule that controls whether Approver 1 action item gets activated, which should look something like this: “Approver Is 1”. 

Then repeat for the Approver 2 action item. The end result will be that Approver 1 action item only gets activated if Autocomplete Step is Complete and Approver is 1, and Approver 2 action item only gets activated if Autocomplete Step is Complete and Approver is 2. This way you will not have to autocomplete the irrelevant action item, because it will never be activated in the first place.

Hope this helps!

Hi Gus, 

Thanks for the feedback, What you’ve described is what I already have in place. The Issue I’m seeing is that the “Approve” workflow tab itself isn’t completing. 

If the approver has approved one of the action items, The action item itself goes green but the tab itself doesn’t? 

I’m just trying to figure out how to complete the tab itself? 


Hi @rdtjbrown ,


I was testing this out and you are correct. The tab will stay blue if it gets activated and any of its action items are not set to “complete”, even if they were never activated in the first place. One workaround to this would be to put the different potential action items (i.e. Approver 1 and Approver 2) on separate tabs so that visually speaking your workflow moves horizontally rather than vertically. In this scenario, the tab that does not get activated would still not turn green, but would stay grayed out.



If you do decide to go this route, just be aware that if you add new tabs to your workflow, SysAid will automatically create a new, duplicate subtype called {name-of-original-subtype}#1, and you will have to recreate the submission form for the duplicate subtype. 
