Hi there,
I’ve been tasked with setting up a template which requires approval by one of two approvers based on the value in a custom approver field (List of approvers).
My workflow at the moment looks like this, All in one column/tab:
- Autocomplete step (Used for Data Population from the external custom approver field to the local custom approver field used in the workflow).
- Approver 1 - Dependant on autocomplete step completion and requires custom approver list value that equals approver 1.
- Approver 2 - Dependant on autocomplete step completion and requires custom approver list value that equals approver 2.
So if approver 1 is chosen, the Approver 2 action item isn’t completed and vice versus which means the workflow tab isn’t completing - Does anyone have any tips/tricks on how I could perhaps autocomplete the non-selected approver’s action item?
EG. IF approver = 1, Then autocomplete approver 2’s action item
IF approver = 2, Then autocomplete approver 1’s action item?
I hope this makes sense. :)
Kind regards,