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A lot of our users email SysAid rather than using the Self-Service portal (something I’m trying to change). In some instances they’re replying to an email about an SR that has been closed and the support colleague may miss the automated email stating an SR has been modified.

Is there a way within SysAid that I can generate an automatic email to the end user, if a SR has been closed for a certain amount of time and they email on the back of the closed SR, requesting that they raise a separate SR?

Many thanks.

Hello Melanie,


Unfortunately, this behavior is not currently possible in SysAid.

As a workaround, you can archive tickets, which prevents further updates. Any replies to existing communication on archived tickets will generate new ones, and end users will receive a new ticket notification.

Tickets in a Closed status can be archived using the method described here:
🔗 SysAid Documentation – Archiving Tickets

Additionally, escalation rules can be set up to archive tickets after a specific period once they are closed. To do this:

  1. Configure the rule to filter the desired tickets.
  2. Set the schedule for a defined period.
  3. Use the Action Builder at the bottom to set the value of the Archive field to "Yes".

I've attached screenshots with such a rule from my test environment as an example.


On our end, we have Feature Request #2270 titled "Option to notify users when emailing on Closed Service Records." If you provide your email address and account name, we can link a ticket to this feature request so you will be notified when it's implemented.

Please let us know if we can assist you further.

Email -

Account - bernicia

Many thanks.
