How to set SLA accountable ticket Status

  • 10 February 2020
  • 0 replies


In our company we have 24/7 'Operating Time' set on the assigned SLA. Not that we work 24/7, but we do have a stand-by team that is activated to resolve issues that arise outside office hours. We have to keep record of time to respond / resolve for these issues as well, and we also have 'Escalation Rules' that must be triggered 24/7. Thus the need of 24/7 'Operating Time' set.
The problem is that this way, all open tickets will burn SLA time if we leave it open by the end of the day / weekends. So we have the need to "park" it. Since there is no obvious Status to use for this matter, my idea is either to rename an existing one, or create a new one. But can't see a way to set whether it will sum up SLA time or not.

How can I tell which ticket Status count towards SLA? I see that, for example, 'Pending for Others' status doesn't count, but can't find where to check / set this. Even if I create a new Status record, how can I set it to count or not to count? On Customize -> Lists -> Status there is no setting for this.

Thank you.

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