Often your help desk queue can get cluttered with lots of tickets from similar issues. Having to deal with each ticket individually can unnecessarily take up a lot of your time. Not anymore. With SysAid’s Merge feature, you can easily merge together all similar tickets into one central ticket. Just select all of the tickets you want to merge, and Click the Merge button on the top of the list. Next you’ll see this screen. Here, you can log the reason for the ticket merge, select the primary ticket, and if you have the right permissions, you can override the default settings for what contents get merged into the ticket and what status.
Once your done, click Save, and presto! Now your queue is no longer overloaded with repetitive issues and you can get a better sense of what work is really on your plate for the day. Take a sip of coffee and move forward with the business of efficiently resolving your users’ tickets. For more information on merging tickets and setting up the default merge settings, please see our online help.