Notifications HTML

  • 4 March 2019
  • 3 replies

Hello everyone!
I need your help. I'm creating a workflow for a request and sending custom email with alert. Editing the "Workflow Notifications" under the menu "Service Desk Templates" the system recognize HTML in the right way. The problem is when i try to edit "
Notifications" under the menu "Customize". I paste the same code used in the Workflow notifications, but when i recieve the mail, all the "<" of the html's tags are repalced with a "{".
Has anyone ever encountered the same problem? Has everyone a solution?

3 replies
i'm having the same problem for my admin notifications after upgrading to v20.2.14 b4

did you ever get a resolution to this?
Userlevel 2
Unflag "Modify the "<" character to secure against cross-site scripting" setting under Settings > Customize > Appearance
