Questions regarding the REST API

  • 30 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Hey, I have two questions regarding the REST API.

1) How can I get archived tickets via the REST API? I only get an empty array whenever I try to access one of these, e.g.

2) Is there a bug in the field total_time? The value and valueCaption always contain the ticket id but not the Total Activities Time we are looking for. For ticket #6000 that looks like that:
"key": "totalTime",
"value": 6000,
"valueClass": "",
"keyCaption": "Total Activities time",
"valueCaption": "6000"

When I look in the frontend, I should get four minutes instead of 6000.

And it’s exactly the same way for every ticket.

Thanks a lot!


1 reply

I figured out 1) already -- just use &archive=0 in order to get archived tickets.
