SysAid Android App?

Userlevel 1
where did it go?

We have technicians trying to re-download it and there is no longer an app on the Google Play store.

The SysAid website still mentions it -

but the link is busted.

10 replies

Hi Paul,

We have been revisiting our mobile app offering, which is being developed on a more scalable, agile platform.

The first iteration, which will be available on October 1st, will enable SysAdmins to create, view, add notes & see history, as well as add attachments across all active incidents and requests. In addition, the mobile offering includes a CI scanner to make managing digital inventory easy.

The mobile offering is responsive and works on all Android and iOS devices by accessing your account from any mobile device.

A key component of delivering our improved mobile offering will include actively seeking feedback from our customers to improve the user experience and overall mobile capabilities for 2020.
What happened to the Oct 1st iteration?

I have all my Android users who cannot use SysAid because
- The Android app is no longer available to download and install
- The mobile web access it broken (constantly getting Internal Error No#XXX
- No mitigation for those users

I have asked my rep for updates and alternatives and nothing.

We were told we would be getting the first iteration of the revamped mobile app offering but nothing.

As a paying customer using full cloud version since 2013, this is unacceptable.

80% of our users are Android and I have them without service several months ago, any new date? The month of October ends soon and I still have no solution.

Good luck getting a response about this...
Userlevel 1
Badge +1
I just uninstalled the mobile app and now find that it is no longer available for android. Can someone provide us with an update?
Hi - you’ll be pleased to hear that this month (November) we’re launching a beta of our new mobile-optimized solution, which is replacing the legacy mobile app. Watch this space to find out more! Thanks for your patience
Hey guys,

We apologize for the delay! You'll be pleased to hear that we have started the mobile solution beta, you can find more information here.

Hi Danny,
Can you please give us an update on the situation with the mobile App for Android?

The link to the Beta you provided in November is no longer working.
Userlevel 2
The web app is released - take a look at this
Userlevel 5
ICYMI we just released our mobile solution add-on for On-Prem accounts
Check IT out
