SysAid not respecting my filtering requests

  • 5 March 2015
  • 7 replies

Based on other posts here in the forums I'm trying to get a view that only shows open incidents. I went to the gear icon>Customize>Lists then picked status off the drop down box. I created and modified the status as needed, made sure every one was in the right category.

Then I went to customize view, picked status caption, edit, picked and my filter expression is "status in (1,2,5,6)". 3 is my closed status, 7 is my deleted status. When I save and apply everything, I still see deleted and closed tickets. I've logged out and back in, I've switched to another view and switched back, I've deleted out the view and re-created it, I'm still seeing tickets I shouldn't be seeing. Any help is appreciated.

7 replies

Have you tried setting a static filter, I have view set for all open tickets and that is what I used to get it.

I played around with the expressions and such to do the same thing and I didn't have much luck with that, using the static expression did what I wanted and was much more simple.

Any of the custom views we use I created using static filtering to get what I want to show.
Steveb, that's what I was looking for. I couldn't find any reference material that told me what each of those fields do. What I was editing modifies what shows up on the main table of incidents in that respective column. What I needed was a static filter.
Glad I could help. I struggled with that too and I finally stumbled upon a message in the forums talking about static filtering that got me going in the right direction. If you search out static filters in the forum you should find even more info about them because there is not much in the Sysaid documentation.
Filter is broken
Userlevel 5
Hi 0xc00xxxxx,
I see you are already in conversation with our Customer Care team but just in case putting here our article regarding customizing your filters:

Filter is broken
Tip: make a note of the URL on that edit form. If you set an invalid static filter you get a blank form displayed and I couldnt get back to the editing form to change it. By directly entering the URL I could access the edit form and delete the errant view, restoring normal use.

Hi 0xc00xxxxx, I see you are already in conversation with our Customer Care team but just in case putting here our article regarding customizing your filters: Cheers, Maayan

Filter is broken


I just tried to do this. The section in the documentation outlines this process:


Save current filters as personal view

You can preserve the column and advanced filters applied to a list as a separate view for your own personal account. Only you will be able to access these views.

  1. Once the column and advanced filters are set on the list, open the View drop-down.
  2. Select Save Current View.
  3. Enter the name of your new view.
  4. Click Save.
    Your views are displayed in a separate section on the bottom of the Views drop-down.


I have followed this exactly but when I select the saved view it is not applying the filters. Am I bugged?


As a matter of interest, I also tried creating a custom view, and added a filter through it. However I am shooting in the dark here, I don’t know if I have done the right thing:

Request user filter attempt

It appeared to work when I first set it up, but I’ve tried applying the view on a different computer and it isn’t delivering a filtered view at all.
