Has anyone successfully found a way to auto-populate the MacOS sysaid settings with the appropriate URL, ID, and Serial? I have this setup with the Windows MSI configuration, but would like to add this to my workflow for Mac onboarding as well. My workflow treats SysAid as one of many packages installed during onboarding, so I would much rather have this setup as opposed to the SysAid discovery server setup. That seems like another core service to maintain and therefore not the streamlined approach I would prefer.
Did you have any success with this?
I'm trying to use the jamf MDM to push the SysAid agent out to a bunch of MacOS devices. Trying to automate that instead of touching each device.
No actually, I ended up giving up finding a way to automate the agent for Mac. I know SysAid touts the autodiscovery capability, but we struggled with it communicating over subnets in the past. Ultimately it's fine because we're moving to another product now. Good luck!
Hi Nemesser,
Thanks for sharing, we are sorry to hear about your frustration I've relayed this to your customer success manager to continue this discussion if relevant. Nonetheless, I will take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the SysAid for the time you had with us..
Kind Regards,
No actually, I ended up giving up finding a way to automate the agent for Mac. I know SysAid touts the autodiscovery capability, but we struggled with it communicating over subnets in the past. Ultimately it's fine because we're moving to another product now. Good luck!
Hi vvan, There are a few ways to address your issue: To deploy SysAid agent for MAC please check out these sections in online help article below: Modify server parameters (Mac agent only) Manually install the SysAid agent for Mac SysAid Agent Deployment Guide If you want to bulk change the agent for a group of assets, simply: 1. create new type of agent with relevant configuration per documentation above 2. go to asset list check box all the relevant assets you want > 3 dots > more actions> chose from dropdown agent settings > ok and last but not least if you are a video kind of person, check out this MAC agent demo video, what you a re looking for starts around minute 1:30 . Mac Agent Demo Let us know how it goes! Maayan
I'm trying to use the jamf MDM to push the SysAid agent out to a bunch of MacOS devices. Trying to automate that instead of touching each device.
I just recently had a ticket open with support for this very thing. Ultimately it's not possible unless you setup an RDS server then use the deployment plan. Even then it is a difficult task. Especially if you have a mixture of Mac and Windows. Their suggestion to me was to do said RDS and deployment plan then target the IP range of the Macs. When I mentioned it isn't possible to group all Macs in a subnet without creating a huge identity based network, they suggested I then could enter the host names of the Windows machines to exclude. I have over 1k Windows devices. To enter them all manually would be nonsense; creating an importable csv would be just as ridiculous.
@vvan @4yourhealth happy to report this is rolling out as we speak as part of v23.1.20! See more here:
@Nrmesser @vvan - For Mac you will have to repackage the app via any package tool, and simply drag that app into the packaging tool and expand the folder in the app you’ll see the content of the app and you will get the MacOS folder, and those folders and you will get “SysAidAgentConfigurationEditor”, via that file you can fill all the fields you want to add and create the package and push via any MDM, those setting will be delivered to the targeted system.