
Endpoint not added to sysaid, agent shutdown

  • 26 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Community,


I’ve tried to install sysaid agent, but the computer didn’t show up on sysaid asset lists. The log says the agent shut down. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

Here is the log : 

The current agent version
10/20/22 16:14:28:452 [P] VideoRecordingSettings::ReadVideoRecordingSettingsFromConfigFile The video ticket is enabled
10/20/22 16:14:28:494 [P] VideoRecordingDownloadManager::IsNeedToDownloadVideoEncoder The video encoder file exists and ready to use
10/20/22 16:14:29:909 [P] AgentStartupHandler::Init Start to init AgentStartupHandler
10/20/22 16:14:29:993 [P] AiHandler::Init Start to init AgentStartupHandler
10/20/22 16:14:30:653 [P] TeamViewerSessionManager::IsInstalledBySysaid The TeamViewer is not installed by SysAid
10/20/22 16:14:30:655 [P] TeamViewerSessionManager::StopTeamViewerService The TeamViewer not installed by SysAid
10/20/22 16:14:30:676 [P] AgentStartupHandler::Stop START: stop Agent startup handler
10/20/22 16:14:30:677 [P] AgentStartupHandler::Stop END: stop Agent startup handler
10/20/22 16:14:30:706 [P] DeviceManager::Dispose The Agent has been shutdown
10/20/22 16:14:30:748 [E] SendPeriodingStatus::DeleteTimers Exception: Occurred errCode 0, System Description Cannot access a disposed object.
10/20/22 16:14:30:885 [P] DeviceManager::Dispose The Agent has been shutdown
10/20/22 16:14:30:895 [E] HttpGetReqHandler::DeleteTimer Exception: Occurred errCode 0, System Description Cannot access a disposed object.
10/20/22 16:14:31:008 [P] SysAidSM::SysAidSWService::OnStop SysAid Agent service stopped


Thanks in advance,


1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hi @asadulloh.somad 


Check out our agent trouble shooting guide if you tried everything it suggests reachout to our Customer Care team via live chat or open a ticket on our Customer Porta.


Let us know how it goes!



