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Restricting who can approve change

  • 21 October 2009
  • 12 replies

In change request when I define to whom is assigned approval how can I restrict that only this user can approve and complete approval? ❓

I intent to use this as official approval in so I need to be sure that only this user can approve. :mrgreen:

12 replies

I have quickly gone through the scenario. It seems to me that admins can approve even if the action item is assigned to an end user.

Might be wrong, but that is what I found doing a quick test.
Yes, that is true and that badgers me. This is not behavior which I expect.
Hi Both,

The logic is a following:

in the user permissions you have "Change manager" permission and "View other Admins' action items ".
A user without these permissions can see an update only his assigned actions.
A SysAid admin with "SysAid administrator" permission can update anyones actions.

In the 6.5 there is a new field (FR 3712) that contains the last update info, so you can clearly see who updated the action item and when,

In a normal environment - where not all admins are "SysAid Administrators" you shouldn't experience the scenario you are describing. try to test it with a normal Admin and let me know.
And please add the 2 new fields to your views (Reopn info and last update info)

OK, I tried and it works like you described.

Is it possible to set up SysAid to automatically send e-mail notification to user to whom is assigned approval?

This should also be happening automatically.

If you want to customize who will receive the notification and when, you can do it by clicking in the "attributes" button in each of your action items.

Best regards.
Haim and Oded.

Thank you for the feedback. It works perfectly as you described. I think "us" admins sometimes forget to test things from the normal admin perspective as well as the end user perspective.

Thanks again for a brilliant product!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have one user (ITRazvoj1) with permissions as is on attached picture.

And I have one change request in phase of approval, which is assigned to that user (ITRazvoj1). This user can see this change request, can opened it but it can't approve (field Approved is disabled for that user).

Are you logged in as that user in the second screenshot?
If this is the case, please contact our support at

Yes on second screen I'm logged as ITRazvoj1 user.
Just to mention I'm using version 6.0.09. Full (30 days trial).
We are not able to re-create the issue, please contact our support team at and we will be glad to further investigate the issue.

I have encountered a similar problem. If I demote the administrator to an end-user they can now approve the request, but they can't do it as an administrator.
