Release Notes

Version 22.3.10 (Gradual Rollout: July 3 - 10)

Related products: Cloud Service Automation
Version 22.3.10 (Gradual Rollout: July 3 - 10)

Hi All,

This is a great release with quite a few awaited enhancements! Check them out: 

Increased Flexibility for Azure Integration - Filter for Groups and Active Users
Two enhancements to the Azure Integration:

  • Group filtering – Filter which groups are imported from Azure to SysAid.
  • Import active users only, by default.
My Apps - Azure Active Directory - Settings View



Display More Content in the Self-Service Portal’s Ticket View

The “Additional Data” container field displays fields that were added to the ticket’s template and filled in by the user (upon ticket submission). This field is located in the Self-Service Portal’s ticket view in the Ticket Info section.

Admins can define fields to be displayed separately in this section in the Settings.


Self-Service Portal - Ticket View for End-User

Define Threshold for Escalation Rule Triggers

Added a field to define the threshold for using operating hours in setting triggers to help you better configure your escalation rules. Learn more.

Setting > Service Desk > General

We also fixed bugs on a couple of SysAid modules:
SSP | Asset Management | Help Desk | Third-Party Integrations
> Check IT all out <



 PS - Want to get notified when new product updates are out? Hit subscribe and you are good!


For accounts that had a configuration on user level you need to modify your configuration by setting the filters. This should be a fast process.

Please follow these few steps: 

  1. Go to your Azure integration at Settings > Integration > My Apps

  2. For backup purposes - In Filter users for import field, copy the query details and save them for comparison later.

  3. Open the filter view (3 dots button) and click the Reset Advanced Filter button.

  4. Mark the checkbox Import Groups option - this will enable the Filter Groups for import.

  5. Open the filter view (3 dots button) of this field to configure your group filtering conditions. Verify that the result query matches your conditions as desired.

  6. Optional - If your previous filter included items that were not covered by the new group filter, add to Filter users for import field the additional conditions desired (excluding any groups related conditions).

  7. Click Save Changes

  8. Optional - click Import Now to prompt immediate sync. 

IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that you will avoid unexpected behavior by reconfiguring your filters.