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List detail doesn't match graph summary

  • 24 May 2024
  • 2 replies

I have created a custom Dashboard for the Application Support team in our business. One of the graphs is Service Records Overview which is grouped by ‘Assigned to’. I’ve set a filter so that it only displays Assigned to=’User1’, Assigned to=’User2’ and Assigned to=’User3 (the users being names of the team in question). When clicking on ‘User1’ (cyan) to drill down into the detail, the list only returns 8 service records. All other users match perfectly.


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Hi @SuperSalmon 


To address the issue where the 'Service Records Overview' graph in your custom Dashboard is not displaying the correct number of service records for 'User1', follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  1. Verify Filter Settings:

    • Go to your SysAid admin portal.
    • Navigate to the Dashboard where the 'Service Records Overview' graph is located.
    • Click on the graph to open the filter settings.
    • Ensure that the filter for 'Assigned to' is correctly set to 'User1', 'User2', and 'User3'.
  2. Check Service Records:

    • Navigate to Service Desk > Service Records.
    • Manually search for service records assigned to 'User1' to verify the total number of records.
    • Compare this number with the number displayed in the graph.
  3. Review Date Range and Status Filters:

    • Ensure that the date range and status filters applied to the graph are not excluding any records for 'User1'.
    • Adjust the filters if necessary to include all relevant service records.
  4. Clear Cache and Refresh:

    • Clear your browser cache and refresh the SysAid page to ensure that there are no display issues.
  5. Check for Data Synchronization Issues:

    • Sometimes, data synchronization issues can cause discrepancies. Ensure that the data is up-to-date and synchronized correctly.
  6. Recreate the Graph:

    • If the issue persists, try recreating the 'Service Records Overview' graph from scratch.
    • Remove the existing graph and add a new one with the same settings to see if the issue is resolved.

If you continue to experience issues after following these steps, it may require further investigation by SysAid Support.

You can reach us using this link.
