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Hi SysAid support

I have some reports to create within the SysAid platform, but i don’t know what filters to add

Daily touched (meaning escalated to other groups)
Tickets not updated for > 2 days (specific group)
Individual member (tickets closed last month)

Can you please advise
Thank you

Hi ​@Claudiosi, thank you for reaching out! 

Our Customer Support team will be in touch with you shortly. In the mean time, I can recommend asking your chatbot! 

Hi ​@Claudiosi,


Let’s take each report filter one at a time:

  • Daily touched (meaning escalated to other groups)

For this you can setup an advanced filter with ‘Assigned Counter’ (this field starts out with the value 0 and increments each time the ‘Assigned to’ or ‘Process Manager’ user is changed) - greater than - 1/2/3 (this value depends on how your own procedures for escalating tickets and what level of support you want to filter the report to)

Then you can add an additional filter for ‘Modify time’ - equals - Select a date range: Today (from the dropdown menu)

These two would be separated by an ‘AND’ statement.

  • Tickets not updated for > 2 days (specific group)

This can also be achieved with an advanced filter based on ‘Modify time’ - less than - Select a date range: Yesterday

  • Individual member (tickets closed last month)

For this you can use the existing prebuilt report called ‘Opened/Closed Records per Administrator’.

If this report does not achieve what you are looking for then you can filter a custom report in the following way:

Close time - equals - Select a date range: Last Month


Status - is - Closed/Verified Closed/Resolved (you will need to add an additional Status filter for each closed status you wish to filter for separated by an ‘OR’ in the filter expression).


Detailed information about setting up advanced filters can be found in our documentation here:


In case of any issues with the filters I provided or with setting up the filters I suggested please let me know.

Hi ​@adrian.miron, let me setup above reports and return with feedback
Thank you

Hi ​@adrian.miron the team,

I was not able to configure tickets escalated to other groups.

Instead of daily, i change to monthly, because i need to check the report from the month of Feb.
If i remove the filters of others two Process Manager and leave only my name, i get some data, but they are not escalated

Can i have some assistance on what filters i need to modify?

Thank you

Hi ​@Claudiosi,

Unfortunately, after testing a bunch more configurations in a sandbox I came to the conclusion that the type of report you are looking to make for tickets escalated to other groups is not doable with the inbuilt functionality of reports.

The alternative solutions would be as follows:

  1. You can have a custom report be built by our Professional Services team to your exact specifications.
  2. We can create a new feature request in order to add a new inbuilt report to SysAid.

If any of these options would interest you please provide me with your email address either here or in a private message and I can raise a ticket on your behalf to get the respective process started.

 Hi ​@adrian.miron, and thank you for reply.

Regarding tickets untouched, i was already informed the team from our SMO meeting, so should be fixed soon.

I have another problem with Backlog Daily and configure the filters.
So, in my previous ServiceNow report i was having this: when the ticket was opened, when was last time updated and tickets were still opened.

But on the SysAid reports what names have above filters?

Thank you again for your feedback

Hi ​@Claudiosi 

The fields are as follows:

Opened = Request time
Updated = Modify time

In the last screenshot as well, I see that your filter expression is not setup correctly. The last filter should be configured for ‘Modify time’ and the expression should be as follows: (1 OR 2 OR 3) AND 4 AND 5

Hi ​@adrian.miron 

Generate new report, but Modify Time is not showing into the Excel report, why?


Hi ​@Claudiosi,

Has the Modify time column been added to report? If not, you will need to do this from Analytics > Reports > All Reports > open the report > use the pencil icon in the top right to enable editing > from the Data tab on the left, add the Modify time column to the report.

Please let me know if that fixes the issue.

Hi ​@adrian.miron 


I have opened the source of the report or goes directly to the report, but I don’t find any pencil icon on the top right.

I confirm that from this morning backlog report, i don’t have Modify Time, but only Request Time


Hi ​@Claudiosi,

The pencil icon missing would be a sign that your account has insufficient permissions.
Please make sure that your admin account has the ‘Manage Reports’ permission enabled.
