I need to create a list of SR for a Process manager with the total activity time spent on each record for that manager.
I would also be able to filter on the amount of time spent on that record (ie: at least 1 hour).
I tried to create a custom report but I’ve not been able to achieve this.
Thank you
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Hi there,
By default, you should have access to a report named “Activities by Administrator” (please refer to the attached screenshot).
This report will provide you with the total number of activities performed by that administrator.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Hello Paul,
thank you but this is not what I’m looking for. What I’m trying to get is the list of Service Records on which an Administrator has worked the most, so a list of records and the total amount of time spent by the Administrator on each of them.
Hello Paul,
thank you but this is not what I’m looking for. What I’m trying to get is the list of Service Records on which an Administrator has worked the most, so a list of records and the total amount of time spent by the Administrator on each of them.
Like this? I forgot to add the <1 HR Activity time filter, but that’s possible as well.
Hi Alexander, yes it looks like it.
How did you do it?
Hi Alexander, yes it looks like it.
How did you do it?
Create a new custom report
Click the edit button, looks like a pen at the top right.
Hover the Process Manager field and click the drop down - select ‘Group By’
Go to the data tab, top left.
Search for the field ‘Total activity time’. Drag it in as a column.
Click the drop down on that column and sort ‘Ascending/Decending’
Add a filter to the report (Advanced filters likely) and create a logic filter that excludes tickets that have <1Hr
Add the date (ie; last 7 days) filter you require as well somewhere.
Click save at the top right and then unclick the pen button. Report Done!
Sorry for the late reply, this is what I was looking for, thank you. The only downside is that it doesn’t allow me create a filter on the “Total Activities time” but I can live with it. Thanks again