
My Settings not showing in self service portal

  • 29 January 2024
  • 2 replies

the My Settings option is not showing up in the self service portal. it has been enabled in the service catalog item section of the self service portal and has been set to visible to user groups “all Users”.

I am able to remove and add all the other items on demand but just not the My Settings

2 replies

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Hello itmanagerpmxray,

So the option to which you are referring to is currently set up by the Settings → Self-service portal → General settings → Enable end users to change settings.

This options enables the view of the “My Settings” into the Self-Service portal. If this options was not enabled by a Sysaid administrator, the “my settings” will not be visible. 



If you need more help, have further questions, or just want to chat about this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out.

yea that's a good one, but unfortunately that setting is enabled on our system….thanks so much for the reply though. 
