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Question - Department Supervisor tickets

  • 12 November 2021
  • 1 reply


So I created a department and applied all users and a Department supervisor to this group. I am trying to have it show all tickets from the first submission of any of these end users. Is this possible to do or will it only show the most recent tickets from a certain time or date?

Thank you!

So I created a department and applied all users and a Department supervisor to this group. I am trying to have it show all tickets from the first submission of any of these end users. Is this possible to do or will it only show the most recent tickets from a certain time or date?

Thank you!

Hi Lokua,

In general yes supervisors will see tickets from all time but two things this can affect this visibility that you should check:

In Admin settings menu go to section:

Self service portal> Self Service Portal settings> Scoreboard widget > Customize > add/remove fields> choose "supervised requests"

1. the option for show archived SRs is checked

2. if there is a static filter applied it will affect this as well (not commonly used here but just in case)

For an overview of the Self Service Portal you can also go to this article

Let us know how it goes!

