Show "due date" on end user portal

  • 3 September 2008
  • 8 replies

  • Community Enthusiast
  • 5 replies
Hello everyone,

I just installed SysAid and I want to show to the end user the due date, such field is not shown by default in their view. Anyone knows how to show it?

Thank you

8 replies

Badge +1
Go in to helpdesk and select list.
Change the view at the top of the screen to EndUser instead of Default and then customise the view using the cog icon. Add in the due Date field and save.
These changes will be reflected in the end user portal.
Hello techguy,

Thank you, I did it and it work, but only in that particular view. Is it possible to show it in the detailed view of each ticket????
Badge +1
Sorry I can't answer that.
Badge +1
*BUMP* Haim?
Any updates on this? We have the Due Date showing on the end user portal (html submission page), but when you fill it in and hit submit, the date is not being added to the ticket that is generated.
Dear MichelleU,

Can you please let us know if you wish to add a new field ( Due Date ) to your submit-service-request form ,or to add the Due date to the " View your old service requests " ?
On service-request-page.htm (view service request details) use:

#if( $attributes.indexOf("due_date") > 0 && $sr.dueDate)
#set( $cnt = $cnt+1 )
#set( $row = ($cnt % 2)+1 )
<tr align="$rb.getString('dir.left')" >
<td > </td>
<td class="Form_Ctrl_Label"><label>$rb.getString(''):</label></td>
<td class="Form_Ctrl_Label"><label>$esc.escapeTextHtml($format.format($sr.dueDate), $charset)</label></td>
<td> </td>

Note: this will also hide the due date row no date is available, which is handy.
Userlevel 2
Is there a way to hide the due date appearing on the Self-Service Portal?
The above mentioned instructions just work for EUP
