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Powershell - Execute Script (Launch Automation Process) failing every time?

  • 13 July 2022
  • 1 reply

I’ve been able to (somewhat) get the Launch Automation Process to work for calling a Powershell script, but I’m having trouble with the script always reporting as Failed. At first I wondered if I needed to use an exit code, but even that isn’t seemingly working. How do you need to end a Powershell script to get Sysaid to report a success instead of a failure?

Powershell script is currently (not sure how to terminate it)

$loc = "C:\AutomateJoe\Powershell\output.txt"

Add-Content $loc "This is 1:"

Add-Content $loc $in_param_01

$process_exit_code = 0

exit 0


Logs attached.


1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hi @kyle.bgcdsb

Reach out to our Customer Care so they can review what you have configured and get you sorted. 

By Live chat or open a ticket on our Customer Portal 

Let us know how it went!
