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Ask your questions about our new state-of-the-art ITSM application on this thread and get answers with valuable insights & tips from our experts. It’s Ask Me Anything, so don’t be shy and raise questions to learn more about the Beta program, our new application and more.


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Is self service portal upgraded with this change?

Hey @KTomczak !
Thank you for your question!

There is no change to the self-service portal, as it is end-user facing. Our focus is improving the experience and efficiency of the admin with this new app.


We were so happy to see you at our exciting Reshaping ITSM. Forever virtual event! During the event we received a few questions and we’ve decided to address them here. Please let us know if you still have any questions or remarks. We’d love to hear from you! 

  1.  How much does it cost to move to the new application?

There is no additional cost for existing Cloud customers.

  1. Is the new version of SysAid for Cloud customers only?

We are currently not planning on supporting the new application On-Prem.

We encourage our customers to consider migrating to the Cloud to take advantage of the many benefits it offers. By moving to the Cloud, you'll enjoy increased flexibility and scalability as well as the opportunity to try out the new version of SysAid.

However, we want to assure our On-Prem customers that we will continue to support SysAid Classic.

If you have any questions or concerns about migrating to the Cloud or trying out the new version of SysAid, please don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager.

  1. Will our agents be able to use both UIs while in the Beta Stage, or will they be limited to using the new UI? This will impact how fast I can get Early Adopters’ testing.

The two versions cannot be used simultaneously so the entire organization will work in the new application. If you need additional help, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

  1. If we join the Beta Program, will there be an Implementation Manager we can work with? Will there be assistance in migrating from the older version to the new version?

SysAid’s Product team will work closely with our Beta Program users. The team will hold frequent meetings with users to make sure they’ve onboarded properly.

During the Beta Program and the first stages of General Availability, the SLA will also be shorter than normal. You will also get access to a special Community section with all the resources, tips and tricks that will help you get maximum value.

  1. What does migration look like after GA?

It will be different depending on the size of the customer and the complexity of implementation. We encourage you to get in touch with our Customer Success Manager and discuss the options.

The downtime will be the same as a regular maintenance window. It will happen during off hours on a Sunday to avoid disruption.

  1. Are there automatic insights/metrics to let you know if there is currently a number of new VPN tickets raised in the last hour?

Yes. If those tickets are categorized with the VPN category, you can use the dashboard, queue or reports to let you know of the number of new VPN tickets in the past hour.

  1. When will be the GA?

As with any software that is in development, we do not wish to speculate about that timeframe. This new application will undergo formal Beta testing with our customers, and rigorous QA.

As we progress, we will communicate a timeframe for General Availability.

  1. How will the new application affect the templates and workflows we currently have?

During the initial stages it will depend on a customer's specific customization. Not everything will be configurable.

In order to move things along, you can transfer your templates and workflows using one of these two options:

  1. Manually recreate the templates and workflows using SysAid’s new WYSIWYG template designer. This approach is recommended for reimplementation or for customers that would like to take the opportunity to redefine their templates.
  2. Automatically convert the templates and workflows from the existing layout to the new one.

If you still require more assistance or would like to get  more information, please consult with your Customer Success Manager.

  1. Is there an enhancement to the Asset Management, or does this change only apply to the SR?

Currently we are not making changes to Asset Management aside from making it easily accessible from the new app.

  1.  Will the Self-service Portal (SSP) change as well?

There is no change to the Self-service Portal, nor will there be a change to SysAid for Teams, as they are both end-user facing.

How would action items appear to regular end-users?

Right now, there’s no visible difference for the end-users. All the changes are visible to admins only. However, your users will enjoy the increased MTTR.

  1.  How do the new template design features tie in with the Self-service Portal?

This version is built around the ticket journey and queues. Your end-users will not see the difference, but they’ll definitely feel the increased MTTR.

  1.  Would it be an all or nothing test or would it have a sandbox option?

Upon request, you can access a demo environment.

Also, you can purchase a sandbox with your data as part of our Gold Professional Services package. 

  1.  Is the new SysAid considered an upgrade or a new product?

It’s an upgrade of the existing application.

  1. Are there plans to implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

We support MFA through third-party apps.It is already available to our customers.


If you’ve missed out on our virtual event and you’re curious to learn more, make sure to check it out>> Reshaping ITSM. Forever

