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FAQ - All Your Burning Questions

SysAid Beta Program FAQ

Beta Program

What is the SysAid Beta Program?

The purpose of SysAid’s Beta program is to provide an exclusive group of valued customers with early access to new features and functionalities and to gather feedback and insights to help us improve the product before its official launch.

We are confident that customers will gain great value from this new, innovative way to manage and resolve service requests and reduce MTTR. Moreover, by participating in the Beta program and providing feedback, they will have the opportunity to shape the product’s development.

Who Can Participate in the Beta Program?

The Beta program is exclusively open to our existing customers.

Our goal is to give you access to the Beta version as soon as possible, however,  we also want to ensure that it’s a successful experience. It’s important to note that we may not be able to accommodate all customer requests. 

This will depend on the volume of requests we receive, as well as certain criteria regarding a specific user’s usage of SysAid. As we continue to develop our Beta version, we will be able to accommodate additional use cases. 
Will Training Be Provided?

Our Product team will guide you every step of the way, and will be available to answer questions and respond to any issues that may occur.

In addition, a key benefit of the new ITSM application is its intuitive UI, which will minimize the need for training. Instead, in-app guides will help with the onboarding process as well as with understanding the product flow, explain how to use new features, and give other instructions that will help users maximize their experience. This will ensure that all users are able to start working in the new application from day one.

What Kind of Support Can I Expect During the Beta Program?

SysAid’s Product team will work closely with our Beta program users. The team will hold frequent meetings with users to ensure they’ve onboarded properly and continue to effectively use the application.

During the Beta program and the first stages of General Availability, the SLA will also be shorter than normal. After that, the SLA will return to the timeframes that are currently established for each customer.



How Does the New Version of SysAid Differ from SysAid Classic?

The updated version of SysAid is a state-of-the-art ITSM application that reduces MTTR by empowering admins to work within the ticket journey and queue, which present a consolidated, intuitive view of everything they need. 

This is a tremendous change to SysAid’s UX and UI. It is essentially an entirely new SysAid that leapfrogs our competition in the market.

Admins can edit inline and take direct action from within both the ticket journey and queue to quickly and smoothly resolve tickets.

Within the ticket journey, IT Admins quickly grasp the history and context of a ticket thanks to an intuitive, consolidated view of everything they need, including all actions taken, communications, and an audit log. The admin can take action and leverage the power of Service Automation directly from within the ticket journey or queue.

The queue presents admins with a clear view of their workload and they can directly inline edit any field. This allows admins to take action, and edit text or content without the need to navigate to a different form or page - or even enter the ticket. They can also take bulk actions to eliminate redundant steps.



Will the Updated SysAid Be Faster?

Yes, it is faster.

In addition, the design of the new ITSM application focuses on creating a more efficient and enjoyable experience in order to reduce MTTR. By minimizing clicks and scrolls, admins will be able to quickly resolve service requests. 

Can I Use the SysAid Classic UI at the Same Time?
No, however, certain SysAid Classic interfaces will appear while in the new application for a period of time. Exposure to the Classic UI will be limited as admins will spend most of their day working in the new SysAid application.


Transition from SysAid Classic

How Long Does It Take To Upgrade?

The upgrade will take place over the weekend and should not take longer than what is normally experienced during a maintenance window.

Should We Expect Downtime?

Yes. The downtime will be the same as a regular maintenance window. It will happen during off hours on a Sunday to avoid disruption.

Am I Going to Lose Any Data When I Upgrade?

Cloud customers should not lose data.

If a customer, On-prem or Cloud, chooses reimplementation they will essentially start from scratch, but we’ll discuss options for them to migrate their data to the new application.

Is There Backward Compatibility for Clients With Coded Customizations?

Not everything will be configurable during the initial stages and will depend on a customer's specific customization. For more information please consult with your Customer Success Manager.

If We Don’t Like It, Will We Be Able to Revert Back?

It will not be possible to revert back to SysAid Classic.

We encourage you to turn to the SysAid 2.0 Hub in the SysAid Community, the dedicated Product team, or to your Customer Success Manager if you feel that some specific concerns or challenges need to be addressed.

While we understand that change may be uncomfortable for some, we believe that our customers will quickly realize the ease of use and the  value that this state-of-the-art ITSM application can bring to your organization.

Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan? 

Yes. We have a Disaster Recovery Plan for our entire environment, including the new version of SysAid.

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