Hi @YerssonHernandez99 ,
The call for a due date can be done only if it is related to a Service Record.
The due dates are viewable if you extract also SR numbers as they are linked (related) to when the limit data is listed.
The call for this would be something like:
Please be aware that the dates should be sent as long millis in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970).
In case of a specific date match, send only this date. example: Match a date: &due_date=1398935657000
In case a range of dates or from/to is required, send a 2-objects array of dates. If one of them is not available, set to 0. for example:
Between dates: &due_date=1398935657000,1399313657000
From date: &due_date=1398935657000,0
To date: &due_date=0,1399313657000
If you need more help, have further questions, or just want to chat about this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out.