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not recieving a JSESSION cookie upon login in REST API

  • 24 January 2022
  • 3 replies


I'm using postman to test the REST API and using interceptor to store the cookie that is sent back

My cookie that I receive from the login endpoint looks like this:


I do see this cookie included in my headers when trying to hit the SR endpoint to test, but I receive a 401 error saying I need to login to sysaid first.

The documentations leads me to believe that i need to be receiving a JSESSIONID cookie but that doesn't seem to be what I'm getting back?
I'm having this exact same issue.
Anyone have any insight on this?
Hi DerekVMS,

Have you set up a login tab? Once that is set up duplicate the tab and set up your requests

Keep in mind our API usage frame work allows up to 2 logins and 1000 other requests per 5 minutes (if you exceed it you will get error 429).

Let us know if this helped!



Anyone have any insight on this?
