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Within our company we really would like to start using the ITIL module within Sysaid.

And I am trying to implement a few basic Change Management templates,

but with that I am stuck and it feels it is all a bit to "big" for our needs.

As a start I would like to have two default change templates for example:

- a step by step procedure for a new hire change request

- a step by step procedure for a change order

But i really cannot see how to start,

So a SR enters SysAid with the request for a new user then how to proceed?

how to setup a change template for a new hire?

could anybody share a light? which workflow tabs and fields you use?

It would be great that anybody could tell me a step by step guide,

Hope to find out more :D

Thanks in advance!

Assuming you created the right change template for new hires, whenever you get a new incident requesting to setup a new employee, just create a linked change from the incident. This will associate the incident withe the new change request you'll create and the process will then start (the non-dependent action items will be activated and send notifications to the assignees).

Setting up a template really depends on what you want to manage in the change request from the whole process of hiring a new employee. You need to break it down to smaller steps (action items) and define dependencies between them. For example, you need to setup an Active Directory user account before creating a mailbox. You need the mailbox before you can create a phone extension (to send the voicemails to).

You need to come up with the list of tasks you want to manage in the change request and then design the template accordingly.


We have a similiar issue , its the setting up of the flow process etc

a new user will cause

create new account

create email account

create deltek account

apply email groups

apply security groups

apply door card groups

should these be made as tasks or change requests?
Hi ljoy,

It is better to configure these processes as change templates, but is also possible to work with a project connected with tasks connected with notifications that create separate incidents...

Ok is there a example anywhere that i could get a better understanding of what your suggesting/

thank you
Ok is there a example anywhere that i could get a better understanding of what your suggesting/

thank you

I am curious about this as well, never really had a good understanding how to use the change management in SysAid properly.
Hi guys,

I would be difficult for me to explain this further in writing. Please contact your account manager at SysAid to get better explanation about the suggested process.

The ITIL Module, sounds great, however with only two included templates from out of the box, there isn't a ton of information or examples that folks like us might be able to use, either natively or with copy/modifications.

Particularly, a new hire process, like many others I'm finding throughout the forums, is a common need amongst helpdesks, and would benefit greatly from an ITIL based flow.

But, for a lot of us who aren't app developers, and often don't have a solid grasp of ITIL process, there's this looming feeling of impossibility. Most of us have Sysaid pieces installed and it works for whatever it was originally intended, however building out new stuff is always an intimidating challenge. Along with most everyone else in here, I'm a pretty savvy guy with technology and have crafted all kinds of stuff in my career, but still, without a foundation of the basics--creating these new needs for flows/processes ultimately gets back burnered and often just forgotten about.

This may be an oversimplification, but a visual/graphical interviewing 'wizard' would likely help us get our wings started with simple things. The complexities of a large work flow is likely a bit much for many of us to start our budding Sysaid development careers.

Aren't there any additional templates that Ilient can provide, even as samples or even well illustrated documentation guides? Surely, everyone's hiring process is different, some very complex, others perhaps a little more basic--but in probably 95% of the cases, we all have Active Directory users, with Exchange Mailboxes, with some sort of personal folders, and additional group memberships, software assignments, ou placement, and user communications. I'd expect someone well versed in the ITIL or change modules could crank a super basic template out in a day, which'd give us all a leg up on getting started. Likely, no one will be able to use this example template without SOME modification, but at least its a start!

At this point, on the line of a decision to purchase the additional modules from our organization, I must admit that with a large void of supplied/ready made templates, I'm reluctant to drop another couple grand on something that may never get the attention and programming it needs.

Perhaps I haven't searched enough--have I missed a tutorial or samples library online somewhere that might have what I'm describing? If so, please accept my apologies for my ignorance, but I'd offer that it's better that I voice my sentiments, providing feedback that might help Ilient sell more product, rather than simply turning away in frustration without mentioning a thing...

I'm sure the intent is to provide such information/services to the user community, however the perception I have so far, be it right or wrong, is that there's little to go on, except for 'Contact your account rep' which suggests to me that I'll be pitched for a custom engagement, with additional costs that go well beyond the modules' prices.

Aren't there any additional templates that Ilient can provide, even as samples or even well illustrated documentation guides? Surely, everyone's hiring process is different, some very complex, others perhaps a little more basic--but in probably 95% of the cases, we all have Active Directory users, with Exchange Mailboxes, with some sort of personal folders, and additional group memberships, software assignments, ou placement, and user communications. I'd expect someone well versed in the ITIL or change modules could crank a super basic template out in a day, which'd give us all a leg up on getting started. Likely, no one will be able to use this example template without SOME modification, but at least its a start!

Really great post man!! Totally agree 👍
That's an excellent point. We have raised this Feature Request (#13486) about a month ago, so it is still fresh in my memory. The FR generally is made to allow exporting/importing template, so we and other SysAiders around the world can create templates and share with others.

Hi Joseph,

was there any update on this? It would be great to have a selection of templates...

Hi SysWiz,

I'll check regarding the status of this FR for you and update this thread should there be new information.


We worked out a request workflow at our organization that fits a lot of this. It's very basic in nature and built around the (admittedly, generic) requirements of our specific company. At the very beginning, you need to have a defined process that is system agnostic. It has to function whether or not the engine is SysAid, or SharePoint, some other workflow product, or even paper.

Our process is called "Employee Status Change" because it applies to new hires, promotions, demotions, terminations, anything that involves an employees change in, uh, status.

1. Hiring Manager submits a request. No details are given at point of entry.

2. First Action Item is assigned to the hiring manager who submitted the Service Record (SR). They provide two types of details

a) Position Change Details (employee name, manager if changing, shift details, effective date)

b) IT Requirements (email address, folder access rights, remote access rights, ERP role specifics, other system access permissions)

3. HR Confirms the details in their action item, and provides an employee number from the payroll system where the employee is entered. The AD username is derived from the payroll ID so we need that for a handful of systems.

4. In parallel, IT will execute against the change for any system that doesn't require the employee ID. This includes things like the email address, ERP credentials, purchasing hardware, etc.

5. The last action item is activated after HR confirms the employee number. Then the remainder of IT action items are executed against.

There are some limitations. For example, we can't integrate HR and payroll too deeply because we can't keep certain data like pay rate inside of a system like SysAid. If anyone wants more details, I can post some screenshots.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the help, DanoH5656! :)

@SysWiz: I have checked this with our product team and the answer is that currently this functionality is planned to be available within the next 12 months, but this is not yet concrete. More information will be available in the future.



Do we have any updates on this feature request? Would love to be able to get a basic Employee Status Template to be able to work from and save time.


Hi Daniel,

I suggest contacting your account manager to add your name to the weight of the FR.


Yes, the idea of exporting/importing templates would be a boon for small companies who don't have a lot of time to do workflow design. We could share our basic templates with each other then tailor them for our company's particular needs.
I hoping I can reopen this topic. I inherited Sysaid about 10 years ago. We are in the process of merging with a larger company and are in the process of moving Sysaid to the cloud. The other company is not a Sysaid user, so we are using the upgrade as an opportunity to revisit how we implemented everything. I am not getting the level of information/detail I need from my Sysaid support person. I would really love to hear about how other people implemented complex workflows within Sysaid.

For example -- I envision a workflow that might look like this:

1. End user requests new furniture for his office

2. Admin reviews request and determines if item is already in stock -

IF in stock, THEN

schedule staff for delivery and setup,

Delivery staff make delivery and close ticket

ELSE forward request to supervisor

IF supervisor approves request THEN

Request is sent to business office for item to be purchased

Once item arrives, ticket is given to delivery staff to

ELSE supervisor denies request and closes ticket


Is this even possible in Sysaid?
Hey wkshutter,


Is this even possible in Sysaid?

yes, it is! But it's gonna take a while for you to configure the workflow, especially with the current workflow editor. SysAid teased a visual workflow editor a while ago (should come out soon, shouldnt it?) but I have the feeling that its gonna be a licensed addon.

But you can set up a workflow in exactly the way you described. I have a similiar process for my new hire workflow:

1. Supervisor requests smartphone for new employee

2. CEO either approves smartphone or removes it

3. IT checks if any smartphones are available or if a hw purchase is necessary

4a. If a hw purchase is necessary, IT will start the integrated hw purchase workflow

4b. If no hw purchase is necessary, IT will configure the smartphone

It took me a while until I understood the way workflows are built, but once you get into it, it's not that hard.

I can send you some pics of my workflow, but all custom fields are in German.

Have a good weekend, mate!

