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Disabled Administrators and Licensing

  • 27 September 2022
  • 2 replies

Do disabled administrators still consume a license?

We have a number of administrators that have left the company. I would like to reallocate their licenses to new admins, but I don’t want to transfer all tickets over to the new admins. Its useful for us to see the history of a user and which administrator assisted them in the past, even if the admin no longer works for us.

I have set the old admins to Disabled, but licenses still show as allocated.

What is the best way forward?

  • Should I convert the old admins to users, and can I do so without losing the history of tickets they were assigned to?
  • Can I just add new admins and accept that the system knows disabled admins aren’t actually licensed agents?

Hi @chrisis 


Disabling admin users should be sufficient in order to free up your licenses, no need for converting to user etc. 

Based on our records your environment has 4 available administrator licenses is that what you were looking for?

  1. Let us know if you are expecting a different number? 
  2. share with us ‘reference id’ of users you wanted to disable for further investigation



@Maayan Karstaedt thanks for the confirmation.
