External User Company Assignment

  • 19 January 2021
  • 0 replies


I have a picture that I should paint first.
We are a large group of schools with a centralised Helpdesk and each school is set as a company within Sysaid. Staff are brought in via LDAP and mapped to their relevant company, students will soon be following suit. Our default method of users logging calls is via email integration, so when a user emails the inbox, it will generate a service request, raised by the user and assigned to their respective company. This company assignment is important to us for SLA data.

Due to the pandemic, remote learning and the fact we are mass issuing devices out to students, we have decided to allow parents of the students the ability of emailing the Sysaid platform to raise a request, but obviously as they are not 'users' of Sysaid, the request isn't assigned to a company, nor is the user a Sysaid user.

I have used the secondary email field on a student user record to add a 'third party' email address, but it won't create a record on behalf of the student.

So a couple of questions.

1. Has anyone ever encountered this type of situation before?
2. Does anyone have any suggestions on how best to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?

Many thanks in anticipation!

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