Hi SysMates,
Third charm, sorry chart is here! and yet I still find it charming as heck. The third and final chart for the Action Item series is rolled out in this version, 22.4.10.
Chart No. 3: Open Action Items, is added to the out-of-the-box list of charts on the Dashboard.
It allows admins to monitor and color code, how many action items are active in their accounts. They can filter the action items by, Category, Type, and other criteria to best meet their individual needs.

Wondering what are the other new charming charts? Here you go:
Chart No. 1: Action Items Overview
Chart No. 2: Action Items by Category
We also delivered fixes on several fronts you have reported to us, related to:
Self-Service Portal (13 customers reported #19817)
Asset Management (7 customers reported #15151)
As well as fixes related to Chat and Analytics
> Check IT all out <
And let us know what you think. In the comments!
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